
2015 की पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं


THE) TERRORIST AND DISRUPTIVE ACTIVITIES (PREVENTION) ACT, 1987 Commonly known as TADA, the act was the first and only legislative effort by the Union government to define and counter terrorist activities. It was formulated in the back drop of growing terrorist violence in Punjab which had its violent effects in other parts of the country too, including capital New Delhi. The Act, which was criticised on various counts by human rights organisations and political parties was permitted to lapse in May 1995 though cases initiated while it was in force continue to hold legal validity. The full text of the Act follows. Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act, commonly known as TADA, was an anti-terrorism law which was in force between 1985 and 1995 (modified in 1987) under the background of Punjab insurgency and was applied to whole of India. It came into effect on 23 May 1985. It was renewed in 1989, 1991 and 1993 before being allowed to lapse in 1995 due to increasing unpopul...


Keep in mind, those who commit terrorist acts: Usually live among us without appearing suspicious while planning and preparing for their attack. They may be your neighbor, student or friend. Often they will need training or equipment that will arouse suspicion. Need to conduct surveillance on possible targets and gather information on the planned attcak location. All of these things make terrorists vulnerable to detection, by those watching for certain characteristics. Learn to recognize the difference between normal and abnormal behavior. It can be a fine line. Stay alert in your daily travels and routines and get to know: » Who your neighbors are » What cars are normally in your neighborhood » Who regularly makes deliveries at work and in your neighborhood Staying alert is NOT about becoming paranoid. Staying alert is being aware of one's surroundings. Be alert to indications of possible trouble. They may include: » A local activity that could indicate problems in your community....


Listed below are eight signs of terrorism that may help detect potential terrorist acts. Indicators of a potential event may occur weeks, months or even years apart. Documenting details of events or behaviors witnessed is important, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem. 1. Surveillance Terrorists will likely observe a chosen target during the planning phase of an operation. They do this to determine the strengths, weaknesses and number of emergency personnel that may respond to an incident. Suspicious actions during this phase may include someone recording or monitoring activities, drawing diagrams or making notes on maps, using vision-enhancing devices, or having possession of floor plans or blue prints of places such as high-tech firms, financial institutions, or government facilities, including military installations. Routes to and from the target are also usually established during the surveillance phase. 2. Inquiries A second sign, inquiries, entails attempting to ga...

Six simple yoga for daily life

1. Square Breathing: Shake off anxiety and clear your head. There is no aspect of relaxation more important than breathing. When I get particularly hyper-focused at work, my breathing becomes quite shallow. If you're anything like me, deep breathing alone can have a huge impact on your state of mind. It's like hitting restart to restore calm, clear thinking. To begin square breathing, sit in a comfortable, upright position on the floor or in a chair. Inhale through your nose for four counts (1, 2, 3, 4). Hold that breath in for four counts. Exhale through your nose for four counts. Hold that breath out for four counts. That's one cycle. Repeat 10 times, going at your own pace: Inhale 2, 3, 4. Hold 2, 3, 4. Exhale, 2, 3 4. Hold, 2, 3, 4. 2. Shoulder stretch: Release neck and shoulder tension. Interlace your fingers, and raise your arms above your head, with your palms facing upwards. Try to keep your arms in line with your ears, while you look straight ahead and relax your...


HOT DRINKS 1.  Spiced Irish Coffee 2.  Slow Cooker-Mulled Wine With Cranberries and Rosemary 3.  Orange Bourbon Tea 4.  Bourbon-Spiked White Hot Chocolate 5.  Earl Grey Hot Toddy 6.  Kahlua Hot Chocolate 7.  Hot Pumpkin Buttered Rum 8.  Mexican Hot Chocolate 9.  Maple-Bourbon Chai Tea Toddy 10.  Winter Cranberry Martini 11.  Cider Rum Punch With Thyme 12.  Homemade Candy Cane-Infused Vodka 13.  Stove Top-Mulled Wine With Brandy 14.  Christmas Sangria 15.  Pumpkin and Pineapple Spiced Rum 16.  Red Nose Punch 17.  Bourbon and Citrus Sangria 18.  Sour Green Apple Margarita 19.  Sparkling Apple Cider Sangria 20.  Spicy Ginger Gold Rush 21.  Winter Old-Fashioned

Malted Hot Cocoa With Toasted Marshmallows

HOT DRINK Change up your favorite hot chocolate by adding malted milk powder and broiled marshmallows. NGREDIENTS serving hot cocoa mix (plus the ingredients called for in the package directions) marshmallow S tablespoons malted milk powder DIRECTIONS Heat broiler (of oven or toaster oven). Place the marshmallows on a foil-lined broilerproof baking sheet and broil until just golden, about 30 seconds. Meanwhile, prepare the hot cocoa mix according to the package directions. Mix with the malted milk powder. Top with the toasted marshmallows.

Dengue Fever : A debilitating mosquito-borne disease

SYMPTOMS OF DANGUE FEVER Symptoms, which usually begin four to six days after infection and last for up to 10 days, may include Sudden, high fever Severe headaches Pain behind the eyes Severe joint and muscle pain Fatigue Nausea Vomiting Skin rash, which appears two to five days after the onset of fever Mild bleeding (such a nose bleed, bleeding gums, or easy bruising) Sometimes, symptoms are mild and can be mistaken for those of the fluor another viral infection. Younger children and people who have never had the infection before tend to have milder cases than older children and adults. However, serious problems can develop. These include dengue hemorrhagic fever, a rare complication characterized by high fever, damage to lymph and blood vessels, bleeding from the nose and gums, enlargement of the liver, and failure of the circulatory system. The symptoms may progress to massive bleeding, shock, and death. This is...

Theory of relativity : ALBERT EINSTEIN

Relativity is one of the most famous scientific theories of the 20th century, but how well does it explain the things we see in our daily lives? Formulated by Albert Einstein in 1905, the theory of relativity is the notion that the laws of physics are the same everywhere. The theory explains the behavior of objects in space and time, and it can be used to predict everything from the existence of black holes, to light bending due to gravity, to the behavior of the planet Mercury in its orbit. The theory is deceptively simple. First, there is no "absolute" frame of reference. Every time you measure an object's velocity, or its momentum, or how it experiences time, it's always in relation to something else. Second, the speed of light is the same no matter who measures it or how fast the person measuring it is going. Third, nothing can go faster than light. [Twisted Physics: 7 Mind-Blowing Findings] The implications of Einstein's most famous theory are profound. If th...


NaturalNews) An encouraging new study shows that coconut oil can offer pneumonia patients a faster and more complete recovery. The results of the study were presented in Philadelphia at a meeting of the American College of Chest Physicians on October 29, 2008 by Gilda Sapphire Erguiza, M.D. of the Philippine Children s Medical Center and Daniel Rauch, M.D. of the New York University Langone Medical Center. The study analyzed the results of adding in a regimen of coconut oil for 40 children whose ages ranged from 3 months to 5 years old. All of the children had been diagnosed with community-acquired pneumonia, a lung infection obtained outside of a hospital setting. The children were all treated with the typical antibiotic ampicillin. Half of the children were also given a dose of coconut oil based on their weight. The oil was administered for three consecutive days. Children who received doses of coconut oil recovered much faster than those who did not. On average, the children who too...


1. Helps Keep Your Immune System Humming People who have sex have higher levels of what defends your body against germs, viruses, and other intruders. Researchers at Wilkes University in Pennsylvania found that college students who had sex once or twice a week had higher levels of the a certain antibody compared to students who had sex less often. You should still do all the other things that make your immune system happy, such as: •Eat right. •Stay active. •Get enough sleep. •Keep up with your vaccinations. •Use a condom if you don't know both of your STD statuses. 2. Boosts Your Libido "Having sex will make sex better and will improve your libido. For women, having sex ups vaginal lubrication, blood flow, and elasticity, she says, all of which make sex feel better and help you crave more of it. 3. Improves Women's Bladder Control A strong pelvic floor is important for avoiding incontinence, something that will affect about 30% of women at some point in their lives. Good...


 Garlic Garlic’s antibacterial and antiviral properties can be very helpful in getting rid of cold symptoms. Garlic is good for the immune system and helps open up respiratory passages, and also helps flush toxins out of your body. Mix together one crushed garlic clove, two teaspoons lemon juice, one teaspoon honey, and half a teaspoon cayenne pepper or red chilli powder. Consume it daily until the symptoms subside. Boil four to five chopped garlic cloves in a cup of water and add one teaspoon of honey. Drink it two to three times a day. You can also eat raw garlic or use a few drops of garlic oil in your food and drinks  Honey Honey can be of great help in soothing an irritated throat as well as shortening the lifespan of a cold. The high amount of nutrients and enzymes in honey help kill bacteria and viruses that cause colds. The simplest home remedy is to consume a mixture of one teaspoon of lemon juice and two teaspoons of honey. Take it every t...

Foods All Pregnant Women Need

These healthy snacks will help provide plenty of important nutrients for  pregnancy , including vitamic C, folic acid and calcium. Orange juice Not only is this juice high in vitamin C and folic acid, it's also a good source of potassium, which has been shown to help lower high blood pressure, a particular danger during pregnancy. Yogurt A good source of protein, yogurt has more calcium than milk and also contains active cultures that reduce the risk of yeast infections, which are more common while you're expecting. Also, some people who are lactose intolerant can tolerate yogurt. Broccoli Known for being a good source of calcium, this veggie is also packed with vitamin C, folate, and vitamin B6. Lentils Like beans, lentils are a great source of folate and are rich in iron and protein. They're also full of fiber, which can help prevent constipation and subsequent hemorrhoids. Figs Fresh or dried, figs have more fiber than any typical fruit or...


FOODS TO EAT Soft Cheeses:  Soft cheeses such as Brie, feta, and Gorgonzola were once considered potentially harmful because they can harbor listeria. Listeriosis, an illness caused by the bacteria listeria, can be passed to the fetus, leading to miscarriage, premature delivery, or stillbirth. However, the FDA now allows soft cheese during pregnancy, as long as it's made with pasteurized milk. Most cheese sold in the United States is, but "don't ever take that for granted," says Ward. It's still important to check labels, especially with imported brands. If you live in a border state, steer clear of soft Mexican cheeses like queso blanco in markets (they aren't typically pasteurized). Some foods are fine in small amounts, but don't go overboard. High Levels of Caffeine:  When it comes to caffeine, "the studies can be very confusing," says Sigman-Grant. While one small study did link caffeine to increased health risks in the fetus, stron...

Kwashiorkor a dangerous disease found in children

KWASHIORKOR Kwashiorkor is the most common and widespread nutritional disorder in developing countries. It is a form of malnutrition caused by not getting enough protein in your diet. Every cell in your body contains protein. You need protein in your diet for your body to repair cells and make new cells. A healthy body regenerates cells in this manner constantly. Protein is also important for growth during childhood and pregnancy. Foods that contain protein include meat, milk, cheese, fish, eggs, soy, beans, nuts, seeds, and some types of grains like quinoa. Children who develop kwashiorkor may not grow or develop properly. It is a very serious condition and can be life-threatening if not treated. CAUSES: Kwashiorkor is caused by not eating enough protein. It is most common in countries where there is limited food supply or in places with low levels of education. The disease is most frequently found in children and infants in Africa and Central America. It is especially...


In many parts of rural areas, urban communities as well as tribal communities, people go for tattooing or nose/ear piercing as a traditional custom or as fad. It is done with the involvement of the entire community as a ritual in rural and tribal communities. The risk of infection has been negligible in the past (apart from some scare) which get cured through indigenous treatment. In present situation one has to ensure the proper sterilization of the equipment within the context of HIV/AIDS transmission. Instead of questioning the existence of such practices, which have been followed for years, one has to ensure 100% sterilization in order to cope up with the present situation in context with HIV/AIDS. As a virus can be killed at high temperatures, simple method of sterilization can disinfect it, before using the equipment on another person. Proper sterilization of the equipment reduces the chances of contracting HIV


PREVENTION Schools can help support HIV and STD prevention  by— A delay in first sexual intercourse, A decline in the number of sex partners, and An increase in condom or contraceptive use. None increased the likelihood of having sex. Schools also can conduct programs to teach youth how to solve problems, communicate with others, and plan for the future. Evidence indicates that such youth asset-development programs can be associated with longer-term reductions in sexual risk behaviors TESTING State and local education agencies and schools are essential partners in this effort. Schools can help support HIV and STD testing by— Teaching students about HIV and other STDs. Promoting communication between parents and adolescents. Teaching students how to find HIV counseling and testing services. Providing referrals to testing, counseling, and treatment services. Providing on-site testing for HIV and STDs.


Yes, it is possible. The risk can be higher because the violence used can make abrasions and bleeding more likely, creating entry points for the virus. Therefore,if one of the partners is infected, the chances of infection are far greater.


The period of time after a person becomes infected with HIV,but before antibodies have been formed is known as WINDOW PERIOD. This period is usually two to three weeks and is rarely longer than three months. The virus is present in the blood. It can be detected by an antigen  test. But antibody test will prove negative. It may be noted that the antibodies developed against HIV within the body are not capable of fighting off the germs.




While Pepsi’s  “AQUAFINA”  &  Nestle’s “PURE LIFE” [1999-2002 ]  started  their sojourn with Indian Bottled Water, entry of “Kinley” [ May 2000]   really shook the market with Media Blitzkreig  , aggressive marketing and maximum utilization of existing distribution channels. By the end of that year, it notched up 8-9% market share, equivalent to what Aquafina had achieved after 15 months of operation. The aggression continued & eroded market leader’s share considerably and in just in 3 years it achieved what others collective couldn’t do in a decade: Shake the leader. By the end of the year 2002, claims were made that KINLEY HAD dented the considerable market of leader but BISLERI still maintains that it has unassailable  share of  50 % till date.


Some studies have shown that the healthiest kind of bottled water is mineral water and drinking this water each day can help you enhance your overall health and well-being. Mineral water is able to do so much good because it contains essential minerals such as iron, calcium and magnesium. Even better, mineral water, unlike tap water, will be free of added chemicals as well as preservative-free and completely natural. Here we will discuss some of the benefits of mineral water. BENEFITS OF MINERAL WATER  1. Lose Weight      2. Improve Bone Health        3. Lower Blood Pressure       4. Lower LDL Cholesterol       5. Aid Digestion        6. Maintain Muscle Performance       7. Maintain Electrolyte Balance       8. Reduce Kidney Stone Risk 9. Better Your Skin 10. Other Benefits Mineral water can help breakdown waste materials in the body as well...